Monday, April 12, 2010

Culture Shock in Japan

These are some of the things I have encountered since I've been here.

With the culture shock , its many things. Just to go to the gym to workout , I need 2 pairs of shoes, 1 for outside the gym and 1 for the actual gym. Also they have public gyms and private gyms here. The public gyms are like $1.00 a day. That's something we don't have in Atlanta. You can pay your bills at the convenient stores. People don't use credit cards often here. Most people carry cash on them. Oh and the atms have a certain time that you can use it to withdraw money and you don't wanna try to get your money out on a national holiday bcuz the atm will be shut down. In America, you can have access to your money 24 hours , here not at all. Most atms stop giving out money at 8pm thru the week and on the weekends even early as 5-6pm.

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